Some driver packages for the AirspyHF+ will not configure udev rules correctly, which results in the device being visible only with root privileges.
Check first that the Airspy is visible as root. There are two simple ways to do this:
(included in many
distributions' Airspy driver packages) as root. If everything
has installed correctly and the device is recognized, it will print the serial
number, firmware version, etc. similar to:
AirSpy HF library version: 1.6.8
S/N: <serial number>
Part ID: 0x00000002
Firmware Version: R3.0.7-CD
Available sample rates: 912 kS/s 768 kS/s 456 kS/s
384 kS/s 256 kS/s 192 kS/s
After verifying that the device is actually visible as root, it is fairly
straightforward to configure udev.
Edit /etc/udev/rules.d/52-airspyhf.rules
to contain:
ATTR{idVendor}=="03eb", ATTR{idProduct}=="800c", SYMLINK+="airspyhf-%k",
MODE="660", GROUP="plugdev"
The device will now be available to all users in the plugdev
group. After adding yourself to this group and rebooting (or reloading udev),
you should be able to access the Airspy as a non-root user.